
Live Webinar: How to Have Important Conversations with Confidence

Conflict Management

Empower your people to resolve their conflicts and prevent new ones.

As a leader, you know conflict in the workplace is uncomfortable, expensive, and counterproductive. So how do you solve the problem so everyone can get back to work?

Our solutions guide teams on how to take the right approach to stop conflict in its tracks.

It’s Possible to Disagree Productively

Conflict management isn’t putting up with conflict. It’s anticipating, preventing, and resolving it.

Conflict: disagreement that feels like a personal attack on values.

Opposition: objective disagreement that leads to smarter decisions.

Opposing ideas help teams see all sides of an issue. Without healthy opposition, teams won’t innovate or solve big problems. But when disagreement turns personal, it can derail projects and destroy relationships if left unattended.

Relationship Intelligence (RQ) allows teams to embrace diversity, navigate conflict, and power through obstacles with smarter, more effective decisions.

Ignoring Conflict is Costly

Our conflict management solution brings teams a sense of relief. RQ enables teams to recognize when disagreement is healthy, clear the air when it takes a turn for the worse, and defuse conflict before it derails productivity.

You will learn how to: 

See what’s at the root of conflict at your company

Empower teams to see the early signs of conflict and end it

Promote healthy opposition and diversity of opinions

Get everyone back on a productive track

Interested in how we can help you resolve conflict?

Annual cost of conflict​
$ 0

CPP, Inc. (2008). Global Human Capital Report. Mountain View, CA

Conflict has a Sequence

People experience conflict when it feels like something important to them isn’t right. The way they respond is an attempt to make it right. Each of us experience conflict in 3 stages:

  • Accommodate the other person
  • Assert or prevail over the obstacles
  • Analyze and slow things down

The order depends on personality. If the first strategy doesn’t work, people will try the second strategy and the third as their last resort. We call this a conflict sequence. 

a diagram of the three stages of conflict to help teams adapt conflict management styles

Example Conflict Sequence

A diagram of the SDI 2.0 diagram comparing two colleagues' stages of conflict

The SDI Triangle shows how motives change in conflict

Conflict Looks Different for Everyone

When you take the SDI 2.0 assessment, we measure and map your response to conflict and show you how to navigate your way out of it.

The dots on the triangle represent the distribution of Victoria and Amy’s motives. The arrows show how their motives change when they experience conflict. The longer the arrow is, the more visible the change is to other people.

Core Strengths equips teams to de-escalate conflict and pursue productive opposition by bringing visibility to different individual conflict styles.

The Conflict Management Solution for Today’s Virtual World

Assessments, Training, and the Core Strengths Platform

Organizations have the responsibility to give people a tool to navigate conflict and create a better culture. Our offerings empower each individual on the team to identify, resolve, and even prevent conflict before it begins.

Core Strengths Platform

Real-time access to insight into how you and your colleagues respond to conflict, always at your fingertips.

SDI 2.0 Assessments

Our Strengths Deployment Inventory 2.0 (SDI 2.0) is at the center of our conflict management solutions. Become aware of your own conflict sequence and underlying motives to better understand people’s behavior around you.

Core Strengths Training

Virtual or onsite experiential workshops teach you about your conflict triggers, how to adjust your own behavior, and how to have challenging, but productive, conversations.

JPMorgan Chase increased profitability per manager by 59% by reducing conflict.

United Airlines improved team effectiveness through greater self and team understanding, better collaboration, and lower conflict costs.

The VA used a 2-day team workshop with us to mediate conflict and save $340,000.

The annual cost of conflict is 359 billion dollars

The Cost of Conflict

Use our easy PDF calculator to find out how much money your company is truly wasting on conflict.

Finally address conflict on your teams and reclaim lost productivity.

Core Strengths is Now Part of Crucial Learning.

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